3.2 Step 1: Create Transaction Object

Table 7. Pre-Encrypted XML/JSON Order Fields for Transaction Object
Field Name
(max length)
Username ^ String M Merchant Technical users VPG account username.
Password ^ String M Merchant Technical users VPG account password.
Destination String(20) M Must be set to the value "UCF "
Product id String(2) M Indicates the product number.
SupplierID ^ String M This is the VPG assigned merchant name (or Payserver Alias).
The SupplierID field value will be submitted as Alias on the JSON request.
Alias and SupplierID are synonyms.
Identifier String M Value that uniquely identifies an order submitted for processing. (Merchant Reference)
CustomerIdentifier String(20) M/O A unique and consistent value representing the merchant's customer undertaking this payment transaction.
Will be used to identify the customer if they elect to save their credit card details during payment.
Mandatory if merchant has been enabled for "Save Card" in order to show any previously saved cards.
See Appendix G 4.7.9 Payments Page Checkout & Saved Card Payments UX for further details.
ProductCode String(25) M A unique code by which the merchant references their item
Description String(100) M Human readable description of item
Price Decimal M The cost of 1 unit of a product item (excluding VAT)
Quantity Numeric M The number of items ordered for a unique product
VatRate Decimal M Vat rate applied to a unique item.
SubTotal Decimal M Product Total cost.
delivery_required Boolean M Indicates if delivery should be in included in product total cost
Amount Decimal O
(mandatory if delivering)
Cost of delivery.
Populate if delivery required set to true.
(Include in XML or JSON Object)
Currency ^ String(3) M
(mandatory if delivering)
Country currency. Supply the 3 character ISO currency code. (ZAR for South African Rands)
ProductTotal Decimal M Basket total cost (VAT inclusive)
Submission Number Numeric O If an error is returned for a submitted transaction and the merchant wishes to resubmit the same transaction, this value must be incremented by one.
Stamp String(38) O Unique identifier issued by the merchant representing the instance of the transaction request.
WebHooks N/A O One or more webhook objects for an asynchronous payment status call–back
See 3.2.1 Asynchronous Webhooks response for Payment Outcome for further detail.
See 4.8 Appendix H: Webhooks Example Templates & Return Data for template schema requirements.
WebHook ^ N/A O The WebHook definition defining the custom template, post–back method and end–point to respond to
Template String(500) M
(if webhook specified)
A Base64 encoded string of the webhooks template parameters passed by the merchant, to be used for the asynchronous transaction result post–back.
See WebHook Payment Response Template for details on the fields that the merchant can request to be populated in this template.
Type String(4) M
(if webhook specified)
Restricted to 'GET' or 'POST' (use POST)
Url ^ String(500) M
(if webhook specified)
This is the end–point that an asynchronous notification for the credit–card payment for the transaction result will be posted to for this WebHook.
See 2.3 Transport Layer Security and Firewall Requirements for server–to–server post–back pre–requisites.
This end–point must be TLS 1.2 compliant.

